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May 5, 2019
Hello everyone, I'm back. :blobheadset:

So, I've been playing a brand-new MMORPG from NCSoft that just launched in KR last month, Throne & Liberty. I'm still scratching the surface now at level 20, but so far it's been promising. The graphics are top notch but at the same time, it's not that demanding to run. I don't need FSR to run it on epic/high settings at 1080p. Another thing to note is that there's no loading screen at all right from the start menu. When you load into the game and/or fast travel, there's only a split second "warp screen" and you've arrived. For a game this massive, that's quite impressive. Combat is your standard tab target system but with additional "action cam". You can move as you attack, and there's block button with perfect parry system so you won't be sitting there pushing all the button randomly.

I'll probably post more impressions the further I play if I stick with the game.

looks cool :)

it does have a Steam page, for those who (also) wonder ;)