|OT| Monthly Videogame Quiz


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019
hello everyone,

someone from ResetEra has recently invited me to this community, and now I'm here to test your gaming knowledge. :)
For this I have prepared a series of monthly riddles - I've been doing this for a while in various english & german online communities (about seventeen by now!), and would love to include Metacouncil if there is interest. Please know there is no financial or marketing motivation in this, I'm just doing it for fun.

The riddles can be about finding all eight games used in a fake screenshot:

2D action platformers
3D first person shooters - (answers)

...or about guessing the right games from 25 cutouts:

comics pixel - (answers)

dogs - (answers)

slightly disturbing - (answers)

There's even a sound FX quiz once a year. I'm confident there's lots of gaming geeks here that will score well on any type of gaming riddles. :)

Feedback is very welcome. If no one shouts STOP I'm going to post the April Quiz here in a few days!


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Just for the record in last month's quiz I tied for first place. Depending on the category I can do fairly well or very poorly. Pretty much pre-NES era gaming and I'm just a mess relying on searching the right terms in Google and skimming hundreds of pictures quickly.

Good luck!
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Cool, i remember these from Era. Bring 'em on!
Were you the one inflicting the kaleidoscope type pictures too? Or was that someone here? I forget :(
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
No, I didn't do any kaleisdoscopes... were those riddles as well?

Anyway, new quiz coming either Thursday or Friday!
Ahh, i found it. It was a quiz thread over on Eurogamer forum. Some of them were bloody difficult too.
I think sometimes the titles to the image links were cryptic clues but mainly it was a slice from a cover or screenshot turned into a kaleidoscope effect.
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Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
Love this idea! I tried the ones in the OP and could barely find anything, lol.

Here are my guesses (spoiled so as not to ruin the fun for others). I haven't checked the answers at the moment of posting this, so I may be wrong.

  • Dark Forces (stormtrooper)
  • Wolfenstein 3D (nazi soldier)
  • Duke Nukem 3D (shotgun)
  • Shadow Warrior (bottom HUD)
  • Doom 2 (level and dead enemy).

Comics pixel (In most of these answers I was only able to recognize the character, but not the specific game, so it's fine if they don't count):
  • 1. Spider-Man
  • 2. Garfield
  • 3. Snoopy
  • 4. Goofy
  • 5. Iron Man
  • 6. Astro Boy (probably from the GBA game)
  • 9. Krillin (from Dragon Ball)
  • 11. Tintin
  • 12. Smurfs
  • 21. Scott Pilgrim vs the World

Dogs (same as before):
  • 1. Shaggy and Scooby-Doo
  • 2. Nintendogs
  • 3. The dog from Mega Man
  • 4. Duck Hunt
  • 5. Deltarune
  • 6. Snoopy
  • 7. GTA V (I think, only played the first few missions)
  • 8. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princes
  • 9. Animal Crossing
  • 11. From the UI color I guess Fallout 3, New Vegas or 4
  • 14. Okamiden (or Okami, but it seems too low res)
  • 24. Wonder Dog (I've seen AVGN's Sega CD episode)

Slightly disturbing:
  • 2. Celeste
  • 4. Sonic Adventure
  • 5. The "Plasma Cutter" message suggests Dead Space
  • 8. Hamtaro?
  • 12. Captain Toad
  • Kirby Star Allies maybe?
  • 24. Doki Doki Literature Club
  • 25. Looks like Left 4 Dead, because of the witch part


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

April Quiz - MS DOS Classics

Not every videogame childhood starts with a console. Maybe it was the family PC, where those who knew the secret words ("CD" or maybe "DIR") were able to launch magnificent games. To honor this, let's have a round focused on titles that were started via MS DOS... I made sure to pick a lot of classics, so that also pure console users have plenty of chances to score. :)

Due to the topic the selection relies mostly on games from the 90s, which is hopefully okay for most contestants. After the feedback regarding difficulty from the March quiz I made this round a bit more friendly - You all have fun and good luck!

Deadline is Tuesday the 30th of April, please participate via April 2019 - MS DOS CLASSICS (this is just a link to a google survey)

here is the quiz...


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Is number 3 Gta1 or Gta2, asking for a friend
GTA 4, actually.

Just answer in the linked form and you’ll find out in a month!

Two things: Mr_Horizon will give hints two or three times through the month. And if you submit answers you can submit more or change your answers by resubmitting the form using the same forum and login info with the updates and it updates the results for him.


Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
Got it. Still wanna know that one cause it's only a matter of the specific number :surrenderblob:


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I'm currently hovering at about 18 with answers, and the rest i'm flip-flopping between titles.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
There's a couple i have no real idea about, a few that i have narrowed down to one or two titles and the others i'm pretty certain of.
After saying that I await my imminent Crow Feast next month :)


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
I don't see myself tying for first place again this month as this is not a strong area for me. I know around 10 without needing to verify, another five I could pretty quickly get with a little Googling to verify, and maybe another five I feel I could get with deeper searching as I have ideas and would need to pursue and sift through screenshots.

I'm going to guess I'll end this month with around 18 points. I'll probably submit my first answers this weekend and submit more after hints later in the month.


Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
Answered the survey, but I'm also posting my answers here:

  1. SimCity 2000
  2. Grand Theft Auto
  3. The Incredible Machine
  4. Warcraft
  5. MegaRace
  6. Full Throttle
  7. Descent
  8. Commander Keen

I'm disappointed in myself, I was hoping to know more. Didn't see any Apogee game there :(


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Just a heads up that Mr Horizon tracks everyone’s scores individually and ranks them across all the sites he does his quizzes with year end results and such. Posting and sharing answers kind of defeats that whole purpose.

I don’t want to police things but I’ve been doing these for a year at Era and suggested he bring it over here so I’m simply familiar with how he runs things. Ultimately up to him as it’s his quiz but I’d recommend not sharing more answers.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Wow, i knew of the quiz but didn't know they were that hardcore. Hats off to them, that must be a ton of work,


Lost in VR
Jan 4, 2019
I sent my first answers, I'll wait for hints now :peekphotoblob:

To update my subsission I should re-write all the titles again, right?


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
I sent my first answers, I'll wait for hints now :peekphotoblob:

To update my subsission I should re-write all the titles again, right?
Just the new ones. As long as you use the same username selection it’ll keep anything you wrote previously and add or overwrite anything new.
Wow, i knew of the quiz but didn't know they were that hardcore. Hats off to them, that must be a ton of work,
This is the year end post at Era to give you an idea (and you can skim to see the monthly result posts, too): monthly retro gaming quiz


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I've probably played most of these games, but I only recognized half of them. Oh well, it was fun. :)


Sleeper must awaken
Dec 9, 2018
There was an attempt, (don't think I have played anything there but 1 of the adventure games) so everything answered was from what I have seen in magazines or forums.
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your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

April Quiz - Clues #1

PC master race incoming - looks like you are enjoying this round! The quiz has been up for just a week, but already over sixty people are digging out their 90s memories to try their luck on these DOS classics (two from this community).
It probably helps these games are actual classics and not just some japanese obscurities. ;)

@WibbleWozzer: Thanks a lot for explaining the rules to everybody!

Nevertheless - here are some clues for you!

1) Watch out, some titles might yield only half a point if you don't get the series entry right... I'll decide that by the end of the month.
2) Game 2 and game 3 are classic western RPGs.
3) With the numbers 4, 6 and 8 you are looking at realtime strategy games.
4) 12, 13, 14, 15... here you control spaceships, either for a few sequences or the entire game.

Deadline is Tuesday the 30th April, participate via April 2019 - MS DOS CLASSICS

here is the quiz again - good luck!
Last edited:


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Alright, submitted my responses. I think I left three blank and didn't feel certain about a couple. But I think I'm fairly solid on around 20 of them? Did a lot of research though as this is not a strong area for me. Also, of the three I left blank I know two I've seen before but couldn't figure them out right now.

Thanks for another good month.


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

April Quiz - Clues #2

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for the final sprint. Tuesday night this round will end, and do you really want to miss out on the 2nd-biggest-of-all-time quiz? More than 90 people have joined so far, eight from this community. :)

Here are the last clues for you:

1) Number 5 is not "Crazy Machines"
2) Number 9 is not "Gabriel Knight"
3) Number 12 is not "Space Hulk"
4) Number 18 is not "Little Big Adventure"
5) Number 25 is not "Theme Park"

And as a last comment - with the titles 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 19 you have series where you need to name the correct part to get the full point.

Deadline is Tuesday the 30th April, please participate via April 2019 - MS DOS CLASSICS

Here's the quiz for the last time. :)


Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
I'll try to submit my answers on tuesday, don't think I'll have the time tomorrow
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
I have no idea how but #19 just suddenly came to me after looking at it. I guess I just recognized the style and it made me go that direction.

Still bugs me I can't figure out #12 since I recognize it (or think I do). I think I'll just have to settle with what I've submitted as these hints didn't help push me towards any other answers.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Thanks for doing this! It was a lot of fun. :)

Though some of them turned my brain to mush trying to remember the names. Admittedly there were a few I had to double check in case I screwed up a subtitle or what number in the series it was. One in particular always throws me off for some reason despite being a huge fan of the series.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Oh, dang i forgot about this and i thought i'd missed it but i might have a chance tonight to put my answers in! Good luck all!


Lost in VR
Jan 4, 2019
Ok, updated my answers with the remaining titles and changed one of my previous answers. Loved it!


Mouse Accelerated Member
Apr 17, 2019
Phew. I give up. I think I got 15 of them.

It was really difficult! I'm sure I'd have fared way better had it been an Amiga quiz (which was my early 90's platform of choice).


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

April Quiz - Answers & Score

I didn't expect this result... we just casually had the biggest quiz participation of all time - hundredandtwelve! (y)
Once again I have to say thanks, or did you all have a gaming PC in the 90s and were just waiting to finally put that knowledge to use?

Average score has gone way up compared to the last round, and a total of TEN users managed to get a full score. :)

What were the correct answers and who made it into the top 10? Scroll down and see for yourself. :)

1) Sim City 2000
solved by: 91%
other suggestions: -

2) Ultima 8
solved by: 66%
other suggestions: Baldurs Gate, Diablo

3) Grand Theft Auto
This was the easiest game of this round.
solved by: 97%
other suggestions: -

4) The Settlers 2
solved by: 71%
other suggestions: populous, Age of Empires, Powermonger

5) The Incredible Machine
solved by: 72%
other suggestions: Crazy Machines, Impossible Machine, Prof. Tims verückte Werkstatt, The Sierra Chest

6) Warcraft
solved by: 84%
other suggestions: Megalomania, Dune, Starcraft

7) Megarace
prerendered racing game full of FMV sequences - a typical 90s CD-Rom game! :)
solved by: 53%
other suggestions: Rock'n'Roll Racing, Crash'n'Burn, Hi-Octane, Another World, Carmageddon

8.) Command & Conquer red alert
solved by: 80%
other suggestions: Jagged Alliance, Starcraft, KKND

9) Phantasmagoria
solved by: 56%
other suggestions: Titanic, 7th guest, Schneewitchen, Gabriel Knight, Ishar, Kings Quest 7

10) Battle Isle
solved by: 57%
other suggestions: History Line, Special Forces, Tyrian, Advance Wars, Z

11) Full Throttle
solved by: 84%
other suggestions: -

12) Creature Shock
little more than a sequence of render videos, with minimal shooting gallery gameplay: Creature Shock Longplay - Part 1
solved by: 38%
other suggestions: Space Hulk, X-Com, Duke Nukem 3D, Doom, Serious Sam 2, Wolfenstein, Cyberia, Quake

13) Wing Commander 2
It says "locked target: Fralthra"... and AS EVERYBODY KNOWS, the Fralthra was only introduced in the 2nd part of the series!!
However, I gave up on my inital plan to award only half points for naming the first game.
solved by: 65%
other suggestions: Elite, Star Trek

14) Descent
solved by: 50%
other suggestions: Wing Commander 3, Star Trek, Inferno

15) Star Wars TIE Fighter
Mean picture from a cut scene.
solved by: 57%
other suggestions: System Shock, Loom, kings quest, The Secret Order 1

16) Magic Carpet
solved by: 42%
other suggestions: Commander Keen, Myst, Golden Balls, Super Worms

17) Commander Keen
solved by: 63%
other suggestions: Jazz Jack Rabbit, James Pond, Little Green Men, Hero

18.) Ecstatica 2
solved by: 42%
other suggestions: 12x Little Big Adventure, Die Gilde, Omikron

19) the lost vikings
solved by: 51%
other suggestions: 3x Jazz Jackrabbit, Commander Keen, Duke Nukem, Green Blob

20) Screamer
solved by: 63%
other suggestions: Virgin Racer, Carmageddeon, Need for Speed, Mega Race

21) Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny
solved by: 52%
other suggestions: Might and Magic, The Bard Tale, Betrayal at Krondor, Daggerfall, Baldurs Gate, Myst

22) Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri
along with nr.25 this is the hardest game of this round.
solved by: 25%
other suggestions: Terminator Future Shock, Terminator Rampage, Battlezone, Halo, System Shock, Mechwarrior, Quake, Starsiege: Tribes, G-Nome, Dark Forces

23) the 7th Guest
...the 11th hour is the sequel!
solved by: 50%
other suggestions: 6x Myst, The 11th Hour, Alone in the Dark, Fate of Atlantis, Riven

24) Bioforge
solved by: 54%
other suggestions: Messiah, Bioshock, Half-Life, Elder Scrolls 2

25) Psycho Pinball
intentionally tough fragment of this pinball game.
solved by: 25%
other suggestions: 7x theme park, 7x Sam & Max, 5x toonstruck, Day of the tentacle, Putt Putt in Circus Land, Lemmings, Discworld, Pinball Dreams, Pinball Fantasies

quiz image

answer image:

direct link 1000x1000


01 - 25 points - mnc - Andy1977
01 - 25 points - mnc - Gerhard S.
01 - 25 points - dgo - fL0riaN
01 - 25 points - pcx - Aurelio
01 - 25 points - pcx - Splunge
01 - 25 points - pcx - wiede
01 - 25 points - rpg - Calastellio
01 - 25 points - mnc - Deadly Engineer
01 - 25 points - rpg - J.R.
01 - 25 points - mnc - Pasu

11 - 24.5 Pkte - mnc - Mod-Team
12 - 24.5 Pkte - mnc - Shoryuken
13 - 24 points - mnc - Brooklyn
14 - 24 points - mmx - fedprod
15 - 24 points - mtc - Milena
16 - 24 points - mnc - lostNerd
17 - 24 points - off - Stavros Fasoulas
18 - 24 points - mnc - suicuique
19 - 24 points - mnc - Superfrog
20 - 24 points - mnc - Bozbar!
21 - 23.5 Pkte - hcg - windfisch
22 - 23.5 Pkte - mnc - PaulBearer
23 - 23 points - mnc - X1 Two
24 - 23 points - mtc - blindrhythm
25 - 23 points - eab - Havie
26 - 23 points - dgo - gmpearl
27 - 23 points - mtc - Wibblewozzer
28 - 23 points - rtc - Antiriad2097
29 - 22 points - eab - Nobby_UK
30 - 22 points - pcx - Aufklaerer
31 - 22 points - gms - kopyright
32 - 21 points - mnc - HomiSite
33 - 21 points - pop - dixip
34 - 21 points - rta - Illusionary
35 - 20.5 Pkte - mnc - Derrick
36 - 20 points - rta - drock5k
37 - 20 points - mnc - Klees
38 - 20 points - gms - AmueK
39 - 20 points - pcx - KaiM
40 - 20 points - eab - lilalurl
41 - 20 points - guf - Wizdom
42 - 20 points - eab - gimbal
43 - 19.5 Pkte - mnc - Osch
44 - 19.5 Pkte - pcx - Pascal Parvex
45 - 19.5 Pkte - rta - Lusankya
46 - 19 points - mnc - StefanK
47 - 18 points - mtc - Gevin
48 - 18 points - dgo - Cons
49 - 17.5 Pkte - pop - Don Como
50 - 17.5 Pkte - rta - LadsLadsLads
51 - 17 points - mnc - Pflipp
52 - 17 points - rta - Frump
53 - 16.5 Pkte - mnc - Mangamaniac2171
54 - 16.5 Pkte - mmx - Knuckles
55 - 16 points - mtc - Blizniak
56 - 16 points - eab - Tweeky
57 - 15.5 Pkte - rta - Hamlet Machine
58 - 15 points - mnc - Shertok
59 - 15 points - m!g - Rudi Ratlos
60 - 14 points - hcg - mainpatr
61 - 14 points - m!g - geohound
62 - 14 points - m!g - Kong
63 - 14 points - mtc - BlackRainbowFT
64 - 14 points - gms - DorianGray
65 - 13 points - rta - kelanflyter
66 - 13 points - rta - aLaxLuthor
67 - 13 points - rta - ffvorax
68 - 12.5 Pkte - rta - ekim
69 - 12 points - mtc - TubaZef
70 - 11 points - mtc - kio

71 - 10.5 Pkte - m!g - Red XIII
72 - 10.5 Pkte - off - bbd
73 - 10 points - 4py - Akabei
74 - 10 points - rat - besux
75 - 09.5 Pkte - 4py - schockbock
76 - 09 points - hcg - Snake
77 - 09 points - mmx - Klunky
78 - 09 points - rpg - D4rkD
79 - 09 points - ntl - JoakimZ
80 - 09 points - m!g - Thrawn
81 - 09 points - 4py - Crimson Idol
82 - 08.5 Pkte - 4py - DancingDan
83 - 08.5 Pkte - rta - Axass
84 - 08 points - pop - Sascha
85 - 08 points - mnc - bocman
86 - 08 points - rpg - LeonSKennedy
87 - 08 points - mtc - RionaaM
88 - 07.5 Pkte - vgz - Walti
89 - 07 points - mtc - Ge0force
90 - 07 points - mtc - Prodigy

91 - 06.5 Pkte - eab - Mikerochip
92 - 06.5 Pkte - gms - kataka
93 - 06 points - mnc - elementalMaster
94 - 06 points - rta - kamikazekoala
95 - 06 points - mmx - Shades
96 - 06 points - gms - hellermarie
97 - 05.5 Pkte - mnc - Mitschel
98 - 05 points - vgz - LOX-TT
99 - 05 points - eab - Leffmann
100 - 5 points - gms - KleinTee
101 - 4.5 Pkte - vgz - Revolvermeister
102 - 4.5 Pkte - pop - Daiyama
103 - 4.5 Pkte - gms - das_opa
104 - 4 points - guf - Yoshi
105 - 4 points - vgz - Herr-Semmelknoedel
106 - 4 points - rtc - Elgin_McQueen
107 - 2 points - ntl - Dogorilla
108 - 2 points - 4py - Scorplian190
109 - 2 points - gpo - Klingsor-
110 - 2 points - mnc - Yeboah17
111 - 1.5 Pkte - rta - Thauros
112 - 0 points - rat - John Doe

4py = 4Players forum
dgo = Dialogoption forum
eab = English Amiga Board
gpo = Gamepro forum
gms = Gamestar forum
guf = Gaming Universe forum
hcg = hardcore gaming 101
m!g = M!Games forum
mmx = Multimediaxis forum
mnc = altes maniac forum
mtc = Metacouncil forum
ntl = NintendoLife forum
off = offline & unknown
pcx = PCX forum
pop = PowerPlay forum
rat = rebell.at blog
rpg = RPG Maker MV forum
rta = ResetEra forum
rtc = Retro Canteen forum
vgz = Videogameszone forum

So then, a celebration: Applause to Andy1977, Gerhard S., fL0riaN, Aurelio, Splunge, wiede, Calastellio, Deadly Engineer, J.R. and Pasu... you all have FULL POINTS and won this round!

Here the local High Score:

01 - 24 points - Milena
02 - 23 points - blindrhythm
03 - 23 points - Wibblewozzer
04 - 18 points - Gevin
05 - 16 points - Blizniak
06 - 14 points - BlackRainbowFT
07 - 12 points - TubaZef
08 - 11 points - kio
09 - 08 points - RionaaM
10 - 07 points - Ge0force
11 - 07 points - Prodigy

Congrats to Milena for the local lead. :)

Thanks to all for joining and see you next time!